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- Click on Upgrade Pass in the top menu:
- Scroll down and select MasterClass Pass, then pick all your preferred Masterclass to get each for ₹1999
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Develop Your Own IIoT System that features Digital Twin, AI-powered, Preventive Maintenance System
Date: 12 Dec 2024
Duration: 11:00 AM to 16:30 PM
Venue: Masterclass Room, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
Design & Develop Your Own Super-small & Portable 3-in-1 Test & Measurement Device with IoT Capability
Date: 13 Dec 2024
Duration: 11:00 AM to 16:00 PM
Venue: Masterclass Room, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
Develop an IoT and AI Solution for Automobiles and EVs
Date: 14 Dec 2024
Duration: 11:00 AM to 17:00 PM
Venue: Masterclass Room, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
Develop Your Own IIoT System that features Digital Twin, AI-powered, Preventive Maintenance System
Date: 12 Dec 2024
Duration: 11:00 AM to 16:30 PM
Venue: Masterclass Room, Hall 1, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
(In addition to above, more time may be allocated by instructors for participants who want to do detailed study and Q&A)
• Rs.299 for Pro pass holders
• Rs2699 for Standard Pass holders
• Rs2999 for all others
(Limited seats available)
Who should attend this Masterclass?
- New product Development and R&D engineers, AI, IIoT & IoT enthusiasts, and DIYers.
What will you get to learn and master?
- Phase 1: IIoT
- How to generate useful data for preventive maintenance using Sound and Vibration sensors?
- How to work with data from sensors in real-time?
- How to transfer this data to a web server using popular Web Sockets?
- How to create a basic IIoT dashboard to show the results of data?
- Phase 2: The Bonus: AI & ML
- BONUS: How to create a Machine Learning (ML) Model from the data collected by using ML Model Tools like Edge Impulse and Google Teachable Machine?
- How to deploy your ML Model onto the MCU?
- How to use your AI system as your machine’s digital twin and its preventive maintenance?
What should you already know to learn and benefit?
- Basic knowledge of working with an Embedded Systems environment
- Basic knowledge of how to use IDEs to program boards
What do you need to get to attend?
- You must get your own laptop with Arduino IDE pre-installed
- Laptop must Wi-Fi connectivity and USB slot
- Mobile phones/devices with Internet connectivity to help you connect to the Net
What will be the setup at the Masterclass?
- We will create multiple teams with 4 to 5 attendees in each team
- A complete hardware kit will be provided to each team, which will be taken back at the end of the Masterclass
- Source code will be provided for you to copy and paste–to reduce delay
- Each team will follow the instructions of the faculty (step by step) and learn hands-on
What will you be able to do after attending this Masterclass?
- Develop a complete IIoT system using sensors
- Develop an AI/ML model using the data from sensors
- Deploy the AI/ML model for preventive maintenance
- Protect and maintain costly equipment used in factories, ships, power stations, etc.
Design & Develop Your Own Super-small & Portable 3-in-1 Test & Measurement Device with IoT Capability
Date: 13 Dec 2024
Duration: 11:00 AM to 16:00 PM
Venue: Masterclass Room, Hall 1, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
(In addition to above, more time may be allocated by instructors for participants who want to do detailed study and Q&A)
Have you seen the latest T&M devices which connect with your computer and show entire output information on a web page? Such devices are a symbol of cutting edge technology and design using electronics, embedded systems and IoT. Would you like to develop such an innovative system?
If yes, join this unique Masterclass where you will design a T&M system which will act as a Multimeter, Function Generator, and an Oscilloscope.
• Rs.299 for Pro pass holders
• Rs2699 for Standard Pass holders
• Rs2999 for all others
(Limited seats available)
Benefits/Takeaways of this Masterclass for the attendees
- (What will attendees do after attending the masterclass which they were not able to do before attending this)
- Design and develop T& M sensors and how they work, Design and develop smallest portable DC T&M devices
Who should attend this Masterclass?
- New Product Development and R&D engineers, Electronics & Embedded enthusiasts, T&M enthusiasts, and DIYers.
What will you get to learn and master?
- How to design an embedded system which measures and stores voltage and current of any electronics circuit/device
- How to develop the formulae and algorithm to measure and calibrate the above readings
- How to generate different signals for testing requirements as a Signal Generator
- How to code the embedded system to display the signals as a real-time graphical output
- IoT integration: How to control this T&M system, and display all the information graphically on a web-page which gets displayed on your computer
What should you already know to learn and benefit?
- Basic knowledge of working with an Embedded Systems environment
- Basic knowledge of how to use IDEs to program boards
What do you need to get to attend?
- You must get your own laptop with Arduino IDE pre-installed
- Laptop must Wi-Fi connectivity and USB slot
- Mobile phones/devices with Internet connectivity to help you connect to the Net
What will be the setup at the Masterclass?
- We will create multiple teams with 4 to 5 attendees in each team
- A complete hardware kit will be provided to each team, which will be taken back at the end of the Masterclass
- Source code will be provided for you to copy and paste–to reduce delay
- Each team will follow the instructions of the faculty (step by step) and learn hands-on
What will you be able to do by the end of the Masterclass?
- Use Hall sensor and Voltage Divider Circuit to measure current & voltage
- Use (analog to digital) ICs to generate signals
- Use DAC (digital to analog converter) to read signals
- Send data from an embedded system to a web page
- Develop your own portable customisable 3-in-1 T&M device
Develop an IoT and AI Solution for Automobiles and EVs
Date: 14 Dec 2024
Duration: 11:00 AM to 17:00 PM
Venue: Masterclass Room, Hall 1, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
(In addition to above, more time may be allocated by instructors for participants who want to do detailed study and Q&A)
- New Product Development and R&D engineers, AI, IIoT & IoT enthusiasts, Electronics or Emebedded Systems enthusiast, and DIYers.
- Phase 1: Communication network in automobiles
- What is a CAN bus?
- How to get data from the CAN bus using the OBD (on board diagnostic) connector?
- Phase: 2
- How to program the MCU to extract data from the CAN bus?
- How to transfer this data in real-time to a web-server?
- How to design your own web-based dashboard to view the data in a meaningful way?
- How to lock and unlock your automobile remotely?
- BONUS: How to create a Machine Learning (ML) Model from the data collected by using ML Model Tools like Edge Impulse and Google Teachable Machine?
- How to deploy your ML Model onto the MCU?
- How to create a Warning & Alert System using the ML model to alert users wherever anything has gone wrong?
- How to use the above system for monitoring and analysing use of Batteries in EVs?
- Phase: 3
- How to integrate a (vision) camera with your project?
- How to create an AI/ML model to do Image Processing and Computer Vision with the feed from the camera?
- How to use the above to create a basic ADAS system?
- Basic knowledge of working with an Embedded Systems environment
- Basic knowledge of how to use IDEs to program boards
- You must get your own laptop with Arduino IDE pre-installed
- Laptop must Wi-Fi connectivity and USB slot
- Mobile phones/devices with Internet connectivity to help you connect to the Net
- We will create multiple teams with 4 to 5 attendees in each team
- A complete hardware kit will be provided to each team, which will be taken back at the end of the Masterclass
- Source code will be provided for you to copy and paste–to reduce delay
- Each team will follow the instructions of the faculty (step by step) and learn hands-on
Make any vehicle smarter (even old ones)
a. Use OBD port (CAN Bus) to generate data from your automobile
b. Connect your automobile with the Internet
c. Create customised dashboard to view data of your automobile remotely
d. Deploy AI/ML engine to analyse data and issue warnings -
Develop a complete vision-based ADAS system
a. Deploy AI/ML model for videos
b. Use AI/ML models for triggering alerts for issues like lane correction, collision avoidance, etc
- (What will attendees do after attending the masterclass which they were not able to do before attending this)
- Convert the old and any vehicle with IOT and smart wireless ioT application for them IOT smart sensors for predictive maintenance for automotive, Smart locks for automotive, can bus communication pheperials in automotive